AC4.1 Explain the main provisions of collective employment law
- October 27, 2023
- Posted by: admin
- Category: CIPD Level 5

Topic: Understanding the key provisions of collective employment law and their implications.
In this question, learners have the objective to explain the primary provisions of collective employment law and their significance. Learners should discuss the similarities and differences between unionized and non-unionized forms of employee representation. They should acknowledge that organisations and external representatives share certain responsibilities and similarities. However, it must be acknowledged that union representatives are widely supported by union employees and enjoy greater legal protection. Learners need to outline this difference. Additionally, learners are required to outline organisational examples such as the Marks & Spencer case studies which is used to illustrate the external organisational environment. They are required to address the following:
- Discuss the statutory recognition procedures.
- Discuss the official and unofficial action.
- Explain the disclosure for collective bargaining.
- Discuss the legal aspects of picketing.
- Discuss the legal enforceability of collective bargaining.
- Give examples.
- Provide evidence.
Statutory Recognition Procedures:
Learners should start by discussing statutory recognition procedures, which dictate how trade unions can attain recognition from employers. They are also required to explain the implications of recognition for collective bargaining.
Official and Unofficial Action:
Learners are required to discuss the role of collective employment law in regulating both official and unofficial industrial actions. Additionally, they are required to explain how it influences the legality and consequences of such actions.
Disclosure of Information for Collective Bargaining:
Learners should also explain how collective employment law requires organisations to disclose relevant information to trade unions for collective bargaining purposes. They also need to discuss the purpose of this requirement.
Learners must discuss the legal aspects of picketing, which involves demonstrating at or near an employee’s workplace during labour disputes. They must also explain how collective employment law regulates this practice.
Legal Enforceability of Collective Agreements:
Learners should put emphasis on the legal enforceability of collective agreements negotiated between employers and trade unions. They should explain how these agreements provide protection and benefits to workers.
Real-Life Example:
A practical example of collective employment law in action that learners can use is the involvement of a labour union when negotiating a collective agreement with an employer. This should outline the terms and conditions of employment for union members. An organisation’s compliance with statutory recognition procedures can determine whether a trade union is legally recognised for collective bargaining.
Sources of Evidence:
Learners can reference employment and labour legislation, such as the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act in the UK, to explain the legal provisions. They can also draw evidence from case studies or legal articles that illustrate the application of collective employment law. Among the sources that learners can cite are:
- Suff, R. (2023) Employee relations: an introduction. Available from
- MCCOLGAN, A. (1993). Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992. Industrial Law Journal, 22(1), 32-33.
Must Read:
5HR01 Employment Relationship Management Assignment Guideline Task One