7HR01 Strategic Employment Relations Assignment Example
- April 21, 2022
- Posted by: admin
- Category: CIPD Level 7

Employer-employee relations entail striking a strategic equilibrium between the interests of both parties. Businesses must understand the laws and regulations that regulate employee relationships in order to develop policies and practices that are both fair and legal. Businesses may boost employee productivity, minimize staff turnover, and promote a great workplace culture by developing beneficial employment connections. Negative workplace relationships, on the other hand, can lead to tension, conflict, and even legal action. In this piece, we’ll go over the fundamentals of employment relations and how firms may enhance their workplace interactions by using best practices.
Task 1:Understand Different Perspectives On Employment Relations And The Cooperation And Conflict That Varies Between Workplaces Including Employer Strategies And Trade Unions To Sustain Mutuality And Voice.
There are a variety of viewpoints on employment relations, as well as the collaboration and conflict that might exist between organizations. In general, there are two types of perspectives on labor relations: those that favor employers’ interests and those that promote employees’ interests. Businesses also deploy a variety of tactics to deal with challenges such as trade unions and collective bargaining (the negotiation between an employer and employees represented by a union, designed to resolve contentious issues).
The first set of perspectives on labor relations is skewed toward employers’ interests. Employers should be entitled to hire and fire employees as they like, and pay their employees as little as possible, according to these viewpoints (if anything). They also argue that trade unions and collective bargaining should be abolished because they impede management’s capacity to make swift decisions without consulting workers and, in some situations, a third party. Employer-friendly ideas are strongly tied to what is commonly referred to as “management science” or “science of management.” These theories are mostly concerned with how managers might persuade employees to work harder in exchange for lower pay.
The interests of employees are prioritized in the opposite set of ideas on employment relations. Employees should have certain rights, such as being fairly compensated for their job, according to these viewpoints. Employees should be able to bargain with managers on topics like wages, working conditions, hours of work, health and safety standards at work, pensions, training opportunities, and so on through trade unions and collective bargaining. These viewpoints are strongly tied to “labor law,” which is the study of how employers, managers, and supervisors should treat employees.
The third set of strategies—trade unions and collective bargaining—can help to resolve some of the problems that develop between employers and employees, particularly over issues like wage, working conditions, and so on. Trade unions and collective bargaining arose as a result of the widespread occurrence of trade and industrial disputes and strikes. The primary goal of trade unions is to represent workers’ interests in the workplace by bargaining with employers on topics such as wages, working hours, and holidays, among other things. Trade unions are sometimes in charge of persuading its members to take action, such as strikes, to safeguard their rights.
Employers can also take steps to resolve some of the conflicts that develop between employees and supervisors. “Industrial relations” is the term for this technique. Employers can do this by improving communication with employees, increasing management training, expanding career growth options, and so on.
Task 2: Justify The Growth Of Low-Quality Jobs And The Decline Of High-Quality Roles In Different Parts Of The Economy And How To Support Voice Which Will Contribute To Improved Levels Of Organizational Performance And Employee Outcomes.
For several years, the increase of low-quality jobs has been a key trend in the commercial, service, and public sectors. This pattern has also resulted in a drop in high-quality roles in recent decades. There are a number of reasons why this drop has spread so far, but there are a few key components at play. The current economic climate, workforce capabilities, and aging populations are among them.
This occurrence is not limited to a single sector of the economy. It can be seen in all industries, including manufacturing, where high-skilled occupations have typically contributed to the development of high-quality products. The similar tendency can be seen in service industries like healthcare and education, where better-qualified employees have historically been able to generate high-quality results. It is, in many respects, a worldwide phenomena, with developed economies being the hardest hit.
The current economic situation is the fundamental driver for the shift toward lower-quality jobs and output. The economy has been plagued by poor growth for several years, putting pressure on firms to slash costs. This has resulted in a fall in overall personnel numbers, with many roles being eliminated or having their work outsourced, resulting in a significant increase in lower-skilled positions.
There are also questions regarding how this development may be impacted by workforce capability. Many businesses have become more reliant on technology, allowing them to function more efficiently with fewer employees. For example, the move toward automation has allowed organizations to operate more efficiently with fewer highly skilled employees on staff. Some vocations are becoming obsolete as a result of technological advancements, as they are now undertaken by machines that can complete tasks more rapidly and effectively.
Task 3: Analyse The Role Of Collective Bargaining In Determining Pay And Review The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Arbitration, Conciliation And Mediation And Their Role In The Resolution Of Work Disagreements.
The basic purpose of collective bargaining is to give trade unions and corporate representatives an efficient and successful mechanism to resolve problems like compensation, working conditions, and so on. The representative side of the negotiation will be predominantly made up of elected officials who will be accountable for reflecting their constituents’ views and interests. They represent employees from a variety of sectors, industries, and geographical areas.
Typically, when bargaining for a new agreement, the representative side will make a proposal to their members, who will then vote via ballot on it. There is no point in attempting to negotiate with any individual employee or group of employees because the majority choice is binding on all those who voted on the ballot. They will only be bound by the agreement that has been given to them.
Arbitration, on the other hand, is a method of resolving conflicts that have been unable to be settled through collective bargaining or other means. The goal of arbitration isn’t to figure out who has the strongest case, but to come up with a solution that everyone can agree on while also guaranteeing that the result is legally binding.
Arbitration’s fundamental benefit is that it gives an objective third party who will listen to both sides of the story, make a fair judgment, and be able to enforce it. This may imply that unions are no longer necessary, implying that they must renounce power; nevertheless, the necessity of this must be balanced against the fact that a single individual is responsible for making a choice that affects everyone.
The fundamental disadvantage of arbitration is that it can be costly and time-consuming, especially when there are several people on both sides participating. Furthermore, one arbitrator’s expertise of particular areas of employment law may be restricted, which might lead to mistakes.
Conciliation’s key advantage is that it is a low-cost, informal technique for resolving conflicts. It can assist both parties in reaching an agreement without posing a legal danger to either party in the future.
The fundamental disadvantage of conciliation is that it does not always result in a legally enforceable decision, therefore there is no assurance of a positive outcome. This can make it difficult for either party to bargain with confidence, and there’s also a possibility of a long-term lack of resolution if the problem recurs.
The fundamental advantage of mediation is that it creates a relaxed atmosphere in which both parties can address their issues without fear of their actions being used against them in a more official setting.
The fundamental disadvantage of mediation is that it does not result in a legally enforceable agreement, which can lead to resentment if one party feels they have been treated unfairly. It’s also possible that it’s not the most efficient form of conflict settlement if there’s no motivation for one party to seek a quick agreement.
Finally, it should be noted that arbitration and conciliation are more formal processes than mediation, which is a less formal process. Arbitration provides a higher level of protection for both parties because it is legally enforceable, however the costs and time associated with settling disputes through this technique are disadvantages.
Task 4: Examine The Design And Implementation Of Grievance And Disciplinary Procedures To Help Mitigate Risk And Resolve Problems.
Any business should have a set of rules that are simple to understand, follow, and enforce. In order for the business to run successfully, everyone must understand what is expected of them, while also ensuring that all employees are secure and comfortable in their working environment. Procedures also assist managers in determining how to handle disciplinary matters in a consistent and fair manner.
When it comes to grievance procedures, these can help keep employees aware about what to do if they have a problem with the company or their direct boss. While this can be advantageous in some situations, workers must also be aware of their authority constraints in the workplace, which implies that not everyone will file a grievance. For example, if someone is dissatisfied with the uniform they are compelled to wear, it will be difficult for them to claim that they are being discriminated against. Grievance procedures can also assist employees who believe they have been treated unfairly, as some managers may try to hide problems in order to avoid getting themselves into trouble.
Grievance processes, despite the fact that they are frequently introduced for good reasons, can be troublesome since they have a propensity to aggravate conflicts, particularly if one side feels unable to resolve these concerns between themselves. Managers can also become so engrossed with grievances and disciplinary issues that they spend too much time focusing on them rather than working toward the company’s overall goals.
Finally, grievance procedures can assist employees and managers in coping with problems in the workplace by providing a structure. However, if one person gets overly unsatisfied or simply feels left out of the decision-making process, this technique has a propensity to aggravate conflicts. Employers must ensure that these procedures do not become excessively time-consuming, and they must also take steps to resolve conflicts among themselves wherever possible.
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