- June 16, 2022
- Posted by: admin
- Category: CIPD Level 5
This unit focuses on the relationship between organisational learning and development needs and the organisation’s goals. It discusses how an organisation’s learning and development needs can be met while meeting its objectives. As a result, the primary focus of this unit is to support learners’ performance and productivity by incorporating effective learning experiences through a contextual and theoretical learning design.
Table of Contents
What you will learn
Students will learn about various organisational learning and development concepts in this unit. They first learn about the various factors that go into designing effective organisational learning and development, such as how to use accessibility and inclusivity, as well as programmes for dispersed workforces. In addition, learners will determine the learning and development needs of organisations in this unit, learning how to assess the various methods used to identify an organisation’s main principles and needs. Finally, students will learn how to assess their stakeholders and use the information to develop clear objectives for an organisation’s learning and development process based on the learning and development process. As a student, you will learn how to create effective organisational learning and development solutions to meet the objectives.
This unit is suitable for persons who
People who work in a learning and development position will benefit from the learning and development design to create value (5LDO02) unit.
- Attempting to obtain a learning and development qualification.
- Are you interested in or have already started a career in learning and development.
- People who work in the field of people practice want to improve their ability to provide knowledge and skills in organisations to help them learn and grow.
Learning outcomes
Learners will be able to achieve the following learning outcomes after completing this unit:
- Recognise the financial, logistical, learner, cultural, and legal factors influencing organisational learning and development.
Learners will investigate the various factors that develop an organisation’s effective learning and development processes in this learning outcome. Learners will also be able to analyse these factors in the context of dispersed workforces. This learning outcome will also enable learners to determine how to incorporate inclusivity and accessibility while designing appropriate learning and development. As a result, learners will find it easier to design effective and dependable learning and development for the organisations in which they will work.
- Recognise how organisational learning and development requirements are linked to the organisation’s objectives.
Students will be able to examine the various approaches used to determine an organisation’s learning and development needs and principles. The learner will also be able to conduct an effective stakeholder analysis to determine the various requirements of businesses to carry out a successful learning and development process. The student can then turn the information gathered into explicit learning and development objectives for the company after conducting the stakeholder analysis. They’ll also learn how to create learning and development goals aligned with their strategies. By aligning learning and development objectives with strategies, the organisation can use the most effective strategies while still achieving its goals.
- Figure out how to develop exciting solutions for organisational learning and development that are aided by learning theory and ensure that the goals are met.
This unit will ensure that students have the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively analyse the impact of neuroscience, psychology, and learning-related theory on learning and development design. Students will also have the opportunity to discuss the various methods used to deliver learning and development in organisations and how the methods can be combined to develop a dependable and engaging solution for organisational learning and development. Finally, the students will design a learning and development solution to help them achieve and integrate their learning and development goals. These include learning methods, engagement strategies, and the impact on measurement processes.
What are the requirements for admission?
The admissions criteria for this unit are not uniform across all institutions that offer it. Most institutions, however, have qualifications and requirements that candidates must meet. Typically, the unit is best for the following individuals:
- Individuals with a level 3 foundation qualification in practice or learning and development.
- Those with a bachelor’s degree in a related field want to expand their knowledge.
- Those who aspire to or are working toward a learning and development or people management position.
- Employees who work as people practise managers or in learning and development management.
- Those who have completed their HR line manager training and want to advance to a specialist role.
- To complete the unit, you must have relevant work and life experience.
- English should be their first language. If English is the candidate’s second language, he or she should do well on the IELTS and TOEFL.
What we can do to assist
We have a platform that a group of academic experts developed to assist you with your assignment. These professionals ensure that the stress and challenges of complex assignments are minimised. Our main goal is to ensure that our clients are happy with the work we do for them by providing detailed and simple solutions that are difficult to come by during busy schedules. Our team of experts is made up of well-trained individuals with a diverse set of credentials and qualifications from prestigious universities. As a result, these individuals can handle a wide range of assignments, topics, and research about developing logical and relevant solutions for students and academicians.
Our experts also ensure that the work is delivered on time, is plagiarism-free, and of high quality in terms of grammar and factual information. This gives our clients plenty of time to make necessary changes before delivery. Furthermore, we ensure the authenticity of our customers’ work by ensuring that the work delivered is customised to meet their needs. In addition, each work’s originality is checked to ensure that any flaws or plagiarism are removed.
Ahmetaj, G. and Daly, J. (2018) Driving performance and productivity: why learning organisations propel and sustain more impact. In-Focus report. London: Towards Maturity CIC. Available at: www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/strategy/develo pment/performance-productivity
Arney, E. (2017) Learning for organisational development: how to design, deliver and evaluate effective L&D. London: Kogan Page.
Beevers, K., Hayden, D. and Rea, A. (2019) Learning and development practice in the workplace. 4th ed. London: CIPD Kogan Page.
CIPD. (2015) Aligning L&D with business objectives and emerging practices [podcast]. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Available at: www.cipd.co.uk/podcasts/aligninglearning-development-with-businessobjectives
CIPD. (2018). Driving performance with L&D. [podcast]. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Available at: www.cipd.co.uk/podcasts/drivingperformance-ld
Hase, S. and Kenyon, C. (eds) (2013) Selfdetermined learning: heutagogy in action. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Hayden, D. (2019) Learning and development evolving practice. Factsheet. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Available at: www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/strategy/develo pment/evolving-practice-factsheet
Hayden, D. (2020) Learning and development strategy and policy. Factsheet. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Available at: www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/strategy/develo pment/factsheet
Knowles, M.S. (1980) The modern practice of adult education: from pedagogy to andragogy. New York: Association Press.
Lancaster, A. (2019) Driving performance through learning: develop employees through effective workplace learning. London: Kogan Page.
Loon, M. (2014) L&D: new challenges, new approaches. Research report. London: Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development. Available at: www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/strategy/develo pment/challenges-approaches-report
Neelen, M. and Kirschner, P.A. (2020) Evidence-informed learning design: creating training to improve performance. London: Kogan Page.
People Management Available at: www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/ TD: Talent Development Available at: www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/journals
Stewart, J. and Cureton, P. (2014) Designing, delivering and evaluating L&D: essentials for practice. London: CIPD Kogan Page.
Website of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and link to the CIPD’s Knowledge Hub, providing resources on 15 key topics in HR and L&D, including factsheets, research reports, guides, survey reports and more, as well as online journals and the HR and L&D Database www.td.org/
Website of the Association for Talent Development (ATD), formerly ASTD, the American association concerned with developing talent in organisations
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